Besides the fact that the person you see out there is not Trump.. he has been underground in Cheyenne Miuntain under protection since 2021. I have asked my guides many times about him and I always get that despite his personality he has a role to play in cleaning up the planet along with the Earth Alliance and the White Hats.. the Galactics help as well in terms of the war in the DUMBS.. they cannot interfere except to stop any attempts to detonate atomic bombs

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I don’t agree on your comments about Trump.. whatever he is hhe is putting a lot on the line and endangering his personal life and family. Your assessment of his is WRONG.i am also an intuitive and an empath and my guides say he is for real

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If you're an intuitive then I don't think you heard what was being said and intuited and created something out of nothing. There is ZERO assessment on Trump held within this and the only mention was talking about a hand movement that he uses (either intentionally or totally unintentionally), which means the following:

1:07:11 "When you see the likes of Donald Trump doing this symbol [does symbol with hands] the two thumbs are The Ether and that is the womb so in another words the return to the cosmic womb because we all come from the one breath, we all come from the one mother, which saying we need to restore the balance of the divine feminine with the Divine masculine."

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