Are You Feeling the Weight of the Wait Game, Too?
For the Wayshowers Who Are Excited About What's Rising (But Find That We Aren't "There Yet")
When the “act of waiting” feels like a burden, it becomes an energetic “weight” of sorts on our Spirits (or Souls, whatever you’d like to say—I like to say Spirit). So, how do we let that energy flow through, and what solutions allow us to move forward?
Let’s face it! It’s not easy sometimes to get through long waiting games, and these games exist because this realm has lots of false layers on top of the organic and original harmonious layers. The false matrix was literally laid over and on top of the organic of “what was.” The breaking-through process of getting into the genuine and authentic organic energies as they rise is complex.
Those of us who can peer through the veil as to “what’s really going on” can see very clearly the horrid systems continuing to keep the “game” going. Many of us are here to serve and “wayshow” to be the bridges between what “was” and what is rising (literal bridges between realms).
(Image: Made by me in Canva)
As Wayshowers, we come during challenging times and circumstances. I would say that the word “wayshowers” best describes the role (or maybe even “wanderers”). It's a bit better than the term “starseed,” given that the “starseed” word has a lot of new-age religious nonsense layered over it.
Wayshowers assist in unique ways to help others move forward through times of turbulence by showing and offering varying pathways through the muck and black goo. We see, feel, and know what’s rising—those Organic and Original Creation Energies—yet here we are, seeing the reality that was created that is NOT harmonious in any way and holding the vision of what’s rising...
Yet, sometimes, the waiting game of this all can feel a bit energetically like a weight, a burden perhaps.
Feeling the feelings is important because we must be honest and genuine to share more and more, given we probably aren’t the only ones feeling the energies or experiencing something throwing us off our charted course.
We can try to dismiss our feelings as " childish” because many beautiful beings in this realm are experiencing very harsh realities (harsher than what we are experiencing, for example). While that’s true, we must also allow ourselves to be honest so the emotions can manifest as they need to. That’s how we can move through them and regain alignment from within our Core.
Here’s a quick story in case you feel like the “waiting game” has been a bit of an energetic burden lately. I feel it as something that comes and goes; that “heavier” energy is thicker on some days and lighter on others. However, when a big “boom” happens that throws us off course, that’s when the energy can feel heavier/thicker, most certainly.
Overall, the energies coming in feel very playful right now, wouldn’t you agree? However, many of us may also be experiencing some complex challenges that throw us off course as more significant shifts occur (and these are becoming more profound). It can be harder to “hold the vision” that we have for the mission (aka the assistance) that we’re here uniquely to provide during challenging moments, so finding the balance that comes only from within is essential for us to navigate through the intensity…more on this below.
I Owed an Apology
This week, I needed to express a heartfelt apology to my husband. We’ve been navigating some challenging times as we manage our own business together. He has been at it for eight years, while I jumped out of corporate a year earlier, making it nine years for me.
My husband had a client for a long time who booked most of his time (we both work in creative fields—he focuses on video and design while I specialize in writing, design/creative direction, and strategy, and we also offer various healing practices under the umbrella of Vibrational Medicine). Unfortunately, this major client has now disappeared. He had brought along this work from our time in New York City (we left in 2017 to find where we would build our home, nestling in Tennessee), and this was his client for eight years.
This client on the verge of disappearing is the crazy part, for it’s the ginormous company called Paramount, which owns Viacom (and many other things) and was a behemoth of an entity. Basically, that organization is slowly dying. Some other nonsensical media company is eating them up and buying them for billions. The son of the CEO of Oracle heads the company that bought them and is yet another movie/media company (funded by daddy, I assume?) called Skydance Media. They’re buying Paramount Global in a merger valued at $28 billion. Can you believe that? Sounds like someone named Musk— wasting money on stupid nonsense when there are animals and humans all over this world that deserve to get healthy and to get nutrient-rich food and water and to be provided with shelter over their heads. UGH. It’s deplorable!
This deal caused thousands of humans to lose their income. We were some of the humans who were on that list. Even as a freelancer, most of the work that my husband took on from them is gone. It is a big OUCH moment for us.
Side note: It’s laughable that there’s a company called Oracle. Another situation where the plot is 100% “hidden in plain sight,” right? They’re behind massive AI plans, and I call what they’re doing the evil side of AI. Not the simplistic and even more helpful things about what is being called “AI” like creating images or fixing our grammar (yes, I used Grammarly to help me put the right commas into this writing, and always have because I don’t want to think about commas😋).
This topic about Oracle deserves its own article.
Anyway, before I digress too much (too late?), I got into a mode of feeling the emotion of, “OMG. What are we going to do?” Losing that portion of revenue hurts, but it’s really about the timing. We are in the middle of building out our healing sanctuary and home on some beautiful land in a random small town in Eastern Tennessee. It’s horrid timing because building anything in this realm is also a pretty awful process; I won’t sugarcoat it. We are becoming guardians of Sacred Land and building our home, which is not done easily. Dealing with the stupid banking systems and all of the “false matrix” layers makes it so, and now there is one more thing: a big “boom” on our path that delays things.
We’re also finally merging our “twin ray souls” and building our sacred mission healing work into what we’re calling the Forge and Flow Sanctum (you can see more here). And then, BOOM! We’re hit with this significant delay. A hard point.
Delays are frustrating. I noticed myself getting caught up in the desire to try to control things, that divine masculine energy trying to take over a bit too much.
I realized I needed to step back and realign my Spirit.
(Image: Made by me in Canva)
Moving From the False to the New
When I delved deeper into my being, I realized that seeing this “boom” on our path is also happening at the collective level.
The Spirit that I Am felt like the weight of the “wait, wait, wait” game, which is why thriving/living in this “in-between” space is not easy. Getting unstuck from the enslaving systems, which feels like an icky, messy, sticky black goo, is a process. I call this the miasma. The systems that try to control and hinder caused and continue to try to create the miasma, which can delay us wayshowers in our missions—it delays things that truly matter.
This is essentially where this entire realm is; we are within that in-between space (the birthing tunnel if you will), and it’s a “knocking down and rebuilding” timeframe. It’s a bit of a chaotic and messy place between the false that’s falling away and the new being built. Who are the builders?
Those of us who feel that call!
We are doing the building, the pioneers, the wayshowers, and as the enslaving/shitty systems that kept the world caged within falsity are crumbling away, we must figure out how not to fall with the debris but rather rise up together and forge all-new paths. These pathways are new, or perhaps we could say are “of the Organic and Origin” pathways, that we must create. Most of us doing so mostly from scratch, even though there’s a recipe with some missing elements. So, we must meld that primordial recipe with where we’re at now and see things through a more modern lens of what’s actually taking place.
This is the DIVINE MAGICK rising in our Spirits and is the Awakening Magick I speak of here in this publication. 🦋
There is a level of wounding to the “wait, wait, wait” game. Some of us here within our Consciousness/Souls/Spirits are getting so excited to see harmony rise in more powerful ways faster and faster – yet, we find that just as we’re getting close, we may notice there is something pushing things off-course.
This is precisely why massive scams have run for a very long time. Even those that took place beginning in 2020, and then what this AI crap is meant to do… so this kind of energy plays out both collectively and can affect us most definitely in our individual lives.
It’s like being pushed down a mountain when I have just spent 9 years climbing it. I was almost to the top to see the entire magnificent and wondrous view. Now, at this moment, my feet are a little more tired. My soul feels a little bit more weary. I don’t want to be pushed off course; it is nonsense that keeps rising (like I mentioned above). We are at that critical moment to jump in, and these systems somehow hinder.
Aw, yes. Now we can see the faction’s plan more easily, can’t we? A plan that is intent on trying to “break” evolution and Original Creation. To hinder as much as possible to try to keep hold. Well, that “hold” will be NO MORE!
It has been a typical feeling for me; perhaps you’ll get exactly what I mean. My Spirit or Essence of my Being moves rapidly, and I can easily forget that I get ahead of where things are and that “waiting” is what I am speaking of here.
How Do We Let the Energy Flow, and What Are Some Solutions to Move Forward/Through?
These are very layered questions, but there are some simple things. I always come back to SIMPLE. In this complex and over-reactive world, simplicity holds the keys to realignment.
Silence. Sitting in silence always helps. Or moving within silence. Simple options that move energy. For example, I go on long walks or do long movement sessions like Qigong or some gentle strength training to get energy moving and out of the places where some energies do not belong. Or, perhaps, I will sit in that silence, for that’s how we can get in touch with our sacred hearts much more quickly. Or, get outside and feel the Sacred Land (for all land is sacred!) by touching the ground and even literally hugging the trees. I find hugging trees ground me faster than I can blink! Finding the magick…
If you’re reading this, you know gratitude is always an answer. What can we be grateful for in the present moment? Always, it is a tried-and-true solution, no doubt.
Getting creative. I sat down and started writing. For me, that’s emotional catharsis: writing, sharing, and then connecting with others who may have needed to hear or know that others feel the same way. What’s your “creative” go-to? It helps…
Sitting silently, I got a big answer: just wait longer. I laughed out loud because that’s the hard truth right there. 😛 Sometimes, we must put our heads down, focus on what we can control, and then….wait. Other timelines are different as I’ve merged with them and felt what harmony feels like, but this is what must be done in this realm at this time. We take action where we can, and then that beautiful word…
WE SURRENDER! Aw, yes, the divine feminine comes in. That beautiful Serpent Spiraling Energy. This is such a magnificent word/essence/feeling to tap into. I could go on and on, but surrendering isn’t apathy; it’s knowing there are areas where we do one big thing: TRUST. It isn’t easy; it takes intentional focus, but TRUST is where our hearts open, we begin to dissolve any over-excited energies, and we can rest easier (and heal while we do so).
Traversing these “messy areas” where we find ourselves—in this breaking down, rebuilding phase—and the call is clear. We are being asked to rediscover simplicity, and I know this sounds cliche, but it’s true. I could offer many other things through my lens of Herbalism, Flower Essences, and healing from within. However, there is simplicity and truth that by embracing silence, nurturing gratitude, indulging in creative expressions, and mastering the art of patience (WHEW, is this a big one for me!), we can unveil pathways to realignment, which is a pathway to finding serenity within, getting back or getting closer to our Divine Spirit, and celebrating that.
The heirosgamos of the Inner Sacred Union of the masculine and feminine energies involve yielding to the journey rather than resisting its flow and taking action where necessary. This empowers us to cultivate faith in ourselves, the cosmos (or in GodSource, in the Tao… whatever feels suitable there for you), and our Divine Spirit.
The simple and sacred practices serve as a beacon, reminding us that amidst the tumult, we possess the strength to anchor ourselves and reconnect with our innermost essence. It ain’t easy. I will be honest and open on that one, but ultimately, we can ignite resilience through these elegantly simple yet profound rituals. This can help us further along our quests and assist us in restoring harmony in our lives from within (for that is where it must happen first, as with all things).